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7 Expert Tips: SEO for Manufacturing

How do manufacturers benefit from a good SEO strategy?

Inbound Leads: SEO is not only the most sustainable website traffic source compared to paid channels like pay-per-click or display advertising, but also delivers the most long-term ROI. New research findings claim that organic search is the most dominant channel for driving business website traffic with a 51% traffic share. This aligns with our own industry experience, where organic search is often the most valuable source of traffic for our manufacturing clients, reaching new audiences and generating quality leads.

Higher quality traffic: By targeting competitive and long-tail keywords that are related to your business, you are more likely to reach users searching with a higher intent. A user with more intent is likely to perform high-value conversion actions over those searching for broader terms. Therefore, with the quality of website traffic increasing, qualified leads will also increase.

Brand awareness: When your target audience come searching for your product/service offerings, you want to be top of their list in the search results. By optimising your website pages and improving keyword rankings in the search results, you are increasing the overall visibility and boosting your brand’s exposure.

Better ROI: Provided you have the right skillset in your marketing team already, SEO is relatively inexpensive to implement. Aside from investing in paid tools for extensive keyword research, time is the most consumed resource for content creation and optimisation tactics. Because of this and the channel’s extensive reach, SEO can deliver the best ROI compared to other traditional marketing channels. SEO for manufacturing companies is a long-term investment that delivers value over time, so with continuous nurturing, SEO can continue to become a profitable channel.